Tech Sheets:
Makore Pommele
Tech Sheet

Makore Qtd Fig Fiddleback
Tech Sheet

Makore Qtd Fig Block Mottle
Tech Sheet

Makore FC Fig
Tech Sheet

Makore Qtd Plain
Tech Sheet

Makore FC Plain
Tech Sheet

Similar Veneer:
Also called African cherry, makore shares the light pink to deep red coloring, dark growth lines, and small pores common to cherry. In architectural installations it has the added benefit of availability in large sizes not found in American cherry. Cut on the quarter, makore shows a contrasting stripe that may be plain or crossed with a variety of decorative figures. Flat cut, it bears the distinctive cathedral grain pattern.
Project Photos:
Botanical Name:
Tieghmella heckelii
Other Names:
- African Cherry
- Baku
- Moabi
- Cherry
- Mahogany
- Macore